Project Description

Naked Dog Bistro was conceptualized in Summer 2013 by Mother and Daughter, Charlotte Bloom and Lindsay Poe. Our business was inspired by our three dogs: Max, a 16 year-old Miniature Dachshund, Kona a 100 lb. male Weimaraner, and Hayley a small female Weimaraner (pictured in our logo). We were brainstorming ideas for a new business that would be fun, unique, and provide a much needed service. It came to us: a dog bistro that provides healthy foods and treats for the gluten intolerant, along with a retail boutique showcasing unique products that aid in the health, fitness and happiness of dogs.

Years ago we discovered our dog Kona was gluten intolerant. We changed his food to Great Life (Potato and Grain Free) and it changed the quality of his life. We were so happy we had found something to help him that we wanted to share this with others.