What is VoIP?

In simple words, a VoIP phone system is a way of transmitting voice calls over IP networks. It is a means of making phone calls using an internet connection, rather than making a call using a landline. It might sound complicated, a VoIP phone system is not complicated.

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Why Choose Hosted VoIP?

In VoIP service, calls are transmitted differently than a traditional telephonic system. The audio at your end of a call (your voice) is converted into digital packets. It's easiest to think of them as being like envelopes of data, in the same way as traditional envelopes contain what you've written.

The conversion of audio voice signals into digital packets is handled by what is known as 'codecs'. Codecs can be either hardware devices or software-based processes. They compress the voice signals and then encode them as digital signals. To continue our analogy, they take what you say and pop it into the digital envelopes. The data packets are then transmitted via IP. This can be either across a Local Area Network (LAN) or online. They're often transmitted via the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP). Or, via the Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP). The latter is simply an encrypted version of the former. This stage of the process is like a postman picking up your envelopes and taking them to the destination.

The data packets reach their destination almost instantly. They then need to be decoded and decompressed. This is handled by codecs. They take the digital data and convert it back to audio signals. The recipient of your call heard your voice as they would down a normal phone line. The codecs at their end of the transmission open the envelopes for them to read.

Software-based VoIP phones are often called 'softphones'. They are apps or programs installed on a mobile phone or computer. The interfaces of those apps or programs replace traditional phone handset. They're often designed to look similar and can be used either via a touchscreen or keyboard. Calls through these phones typically use a headset and microphone. They can also use a computer's built-in microphone and speakers.


Benefits of using VoIP

Cost Effective - There are several reasons VoIP systems can be cheaper than traditional telephone system. Firstly, the infrastructure involved is a very inexpensive. This means small businesses can have a high-quality business phone system without breaking their budget.

Call charges can also often work out much cheaper. The internet cares little for geography. That means long-distance and international calls don't suffer the same premium prices. If all your staff are on VoIP, the cost of internal calls is essentially removed - making it a great solution for businesses that rely on conference calling.

Along with it the repair and maintenance costs for VoIP phone systems are extremely low. There are less hardware to maintain, and the infrastructure updated and more reliable.

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More Benefits of VoIP

Scalability – When a firm expands, the cost of expanding on a traditional telephonic system is not only expensive but also hectic and tiresome. The addition of complex devices, added with high maintenance cost takes a huge some of the budget.

VoIP has a very easy process of up-gradation. VoIP has BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Thus, allowing employees’ own personal mobile phone and laptops to be added to the system, thus bring down the cost. This also makes remote working easier and allowing to hire remote receptionist and assistants easily too.

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Accessibility – VoIP allows a great amount of ease in portability and user friendly system than the traditional system. VoIP allows users make and receive business calls from anywhere. As long as you have an internet connection and the app or software, you’re good to go. Outgoing and incoming calls made from anywhere, will also use the same number. This whole process ensures you present a professional decorum to clients or customers wherever and whenever you speak to them.

The agility of VoIP fits perfectly with the modern, mobile workforce. VoIP makes remote working or even working when on the move very simple. It can help any business with multiple offices or premises. It will streamline internal and external communications with ease.

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How to switch to VoIP


VoIP is a technological advance that’s changing the dynamics of commercial telecoms. With VoIP, firms are now able to make and receive voice calls using their internet connection.


Being able to make calls that way provides huge potential benefits. Businesses can drastically reduce costs in a variety of areas. Initial hardware and setup expenses are much lower. Call charges, too, are low. This is with addition to the added accessibility which a VoIP system provides.


All of this may have been enough to convince you that VoIP is the way to go. If so, you’ll be wondering how to switch to VoIP system from your existing phone service. Another advantage is, it’s easy to do so. Your first step is always to contact a trustworthy provider who can talk you through the rest of the process.


Then, you can decide whether to go with cloud-based or physical server setup. Then, you must choose if you want a VoIP phone system or software-based VoIP calls using your office computers. Whatever your decision, the setup process is much simpler and swifter than setting up a traditional system.


For a hassle free set-up and to setup your very own VoIP system, contact us now and our technician will take care of the entire process for you.

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